Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

This Journal publishes research articles on the theory, practice, and teaching of professional communication in critical global contexts. Research articles can take a variety of forms, including formal empirical studies, illustrative case studies, book, software, and academic program review, and curriculum development.  All articles will conform to the APA style guide.


  • Improve our research, teaching, and practice of professional communication in global contexts.
  • Develop better theoretical models of global professional communication.
  • Develop more valid and ethical research methodologies for global professional communication.
  • Improve the practice of global business and manufacturing through more effective communication.
  • Improve professional communication research and practice in critical cross-cultural and international contexts such as the environment, law, immigration, health, energy, economics, and human rights.
  • Develop issues and research agendas that address the most pressing issues and challenges for communicating in the context of globalization.
  • Develop better curricula and materials for teaching global professional communication not only in the United States and Europe, but around the world. Special attention will be given to developing culturally sensitive curricula of professional communication for the developing world, including parts of Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and India.
  • Address the influence of new communication technologies in global professional contexts.
  • Improve our ability to use professional communication to address issues of social justice in the context of globalization.
The disciplinary home for this Journal is rhetoric and professional communication, as exemplified by the research, teaching, and theory in departments of English, linguistics, business, engineering, and rhetoric in many U.S., European, Asian, Indian, and other universities.  The Journal will be academic- and research-based but with clear connections to practice and industry.

In addition to these five areas, the Journal will facilitate interdisciplinary research in areas such as information science, organizational behavior, technology transfer, distance education and training, knowledge management, micro businesses, geography, dual manufacturing, international law/criminal justice, communication technologies, environment, finance, health, politics, energy, transportation, immigration, economic development, and human rights.


Section Policies


  • Kirk St. Amant
  • Barry Thatcher
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Research Articles

  • Kirk St. Amant
  • Barry Thatcher
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Teaching Practices

  • Kirk St. Amant
  • Barry Thatcher
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Research Reviews

  • Kirk St. Amant
  • Barry Thatcher
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Book Reviews

  • Kirk St. Amant
  • Barry Thatcher
  • Quan Zhou
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

This journal will use a Double Blind Review, one in which the reviewer and author remain anonymous.

Review Process:

1.  Article is received by editors through the online submission.

2. Editors review article to assess three things: general aims and scope of the article; the quality of the research inquiry, methods, and results; and quality of writing and presentation.

3.  If editors approve the article, they will assign two appropriate members from the editorial board to formally evaluate the article. Editors will also ensure that any features of the article that identify the author are removed.

4.  Article is reviewed by two reviewers in a double-blind fashion using the Journal's online review process.   Reviewers have one month to review the article.

5. Editors receive the reviews and decide to accept the review or send the article out to a third reviewer.

6. Editors communicate the status of the review to the authors.

The editorial board consists of 30+ scholars and practitioners with rich and extensive experience in this area.


Publication Frequency

RPCG is published biannually in March and September


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Book Reviews

RPCG will publish reviews of books, tutorials, training materials, and other related publications that are address the objectives of the journal.

Please follow these guidelines:


            The heading of your review should include the following information:

o   Title of book

o   Author (s) or editor (s)

o   Place of publication, publisher, and date of publication.

o   Number of pages in the book

o   "Reviewed by" heading

o   Your contact information
For example: 
Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, 423 Sieg Hall
Campus Box 352315
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195



o   This journal is read by an international and interdisciplinary audience. Books reviewed may be written in any language and published in any country. Therefore, your review should explicitly state the context, purpose, and audience of the book.

o   Your review should summarize the book's contents, analyze the strengths and weaknesses, and identify the book's overall contribution to the knowledge and practice of professional communication in global contexts.  

o   You should discuss how well the book's themes relate to the focus of the journal and how this book can be of help or interest to individuals interested in rhetoric and professional communication in global contexts.

o   You may provide readers with hyperlinks to items and persons mentioned in your review. Please make sure that the links work.

o   Please keep in mind that the online nature of the journal enables the author(s) of the related book and readers of your review to post responses to your review on the journal's Web site.


Citations: Please follow the APA Style.

A review of a single book should run 1,000-1,500 words. A review of multiple texts may run 1,800-2,500 words.

Use 12-point Times New Roman font throughout the review.

Submit your review online through the journal's normal submission process.

The Book Review Editor reserves the right to edit for length, style, or clarity.  The Book Review Editor will then coordinate with the editorial board to send the book review through the normal double-blind peer review process established by the journal.



Send inquiries to the Book Review Editor:

Quan Zhou

Department of English and Philosophy

University of Wisconsin-Stout

Menomonie, WI 54751

