Message from the Editor


  • Eric N. Wiebe North Carolina State University


As has been seen in previous issues, these current articles show a diversity of ideas and approaches to engineering design graphics.  Rodriguez's article demonstrates how 3-D computer graphics techniques can be applied to helping solve difficult real-world civil engineering problems.  At the other end of spectrum, Sadowski's article looks at how our understanding of learning styles can be used to inform graphics instructional practices.  Finally, Clark & Scales also use survey methods to look at changes in the content of graphics education courses over the five years since they last reported on this topic.  All three articles confirm that graphics education will continue to have an exciting and ever-evolving future.


This is my last issue as editor of the Journal.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my associate editors, especially our new Division president, Ted Branoff, who put in at least as much work as I did managing the review process for the Journal.  Bethany Smith and Nayo C-G Mack also put in long hours designing covers and laying out the issues.  I also want to thank the circulation management duo of Clyde Kearns and Kathryn Holliday-Darr for continuing to make sure that everyone that was supposed to get a copy of Journal did.  Finally, I'd like to thank the editorial review board for continuing to work with Ted and I on making sure we had the highest quality articles for publication.




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