Message from the Chair


  • Ron Paré University of Houston


It was your volunteering that made my leadership easy and rewarding.  Thank you all.


As I end my short 12 month sting as Chair of the Engineering Design Graphics Division I want to thank the DIvision membership for your confidence in me.  Over 100 division members and non members have been involved in division activities this past year.  It was your volunteering that made my leadership easy and rewarding.  Thank you all.


Reflecting on my year in office, I see two special accomplishments for the division.  First, at our 60th Mid-Year Technical Conference, our By-Laws were changed to comply with ASEE policy.  For the first time, the complete document appears on the ASEE Web-Site.  Second, thanks to the efforts of Jon Duff and Donna Hull, a Graduate Student in Graphic Information Technology at Arizona State University, we have a new look to our Division Web-Site.


As you read this article, my year in office has already ended.  But as I write the article, the 2005-2006 EDGD officers are preparing for the ASEE Annual Conference in Chicago and also getting ready to pass on our offices to your newly elected Executive Committee.


There are a few Graphics Division Members who deserve my special recognition.


Pat Connolly, thank you for your efforts as Program Chair for the summer conference.  In addition to planning the divisions four technical sessions (with twenty presentations) and two business meeting, Pat has also arranged for our first off site Division Banquet in many years.  I am sure we will honor Pat by having many off site Banquets in the future.  Pat was rewarded for his efforts by being elected to a three year term as a Divisions Officer - Director of Zones.


This EDGD Journal Issue is the last one assembled by the team at North Carolina State University.  For the past three years Eric Wiebe, Editor and his crew of Ted Branoff, Associate Editor; Aaron Clark, Associate Editor; Alice Scales, Associate Editor; Bethany Smith, Layout and Design; and Nayo C-G Mack, Layout and Design, have produced a wonderful and lasting tribute to our Division.  Thank you all.  The next Journal staff has a lot to live up to.


Katherine Holliday-Darr will continue as Journal Circulation Manager.  This position is ongoing so she will need an assistant next year.  That is because Kathy is one of the three newly elected division officers.  Congratulations Kathy on being elected Vice Chair/Chair Elect.


Publication of the EDGD Journal will shift back to Arizona State University-East.  Congratulations to newly elected Director of Publications, La Vern Abe Harris.  La Vern is assembling the Journal production staff for the next three years of issues so I urge those of you who have not been involved in division activities to contact her and volunteer.


The other newly reelected Division Officer is Tim Sexton.  Tim begins another three year term as our Division Secretary/Treasurer.  We are very fortunate to have someone so willing to take on this detail oriented position for another term.  Thank you Tim.


Theodore J. Branoff will be our leader next year.  In addition to those individuals already mentioned, continuing in office are yours truly as Past Chair, Director - Liaison Doug Baxter, Director - Membership Jon Duff, Director - Programs Frank Croft, Technical Professional Nate Hartman, and already mentioned Director - Zones Pat Connolly.  Thank you all.  Support your offices by volunteering to serve on a Division Committee.  Contact Chair Ted Branoff and became a part of a great group of volunteers.


Two division members are stepping down from their elected positions.  Leaving your Executive Committee are Past Chair Holly Ault and Director - Publications Eric Wiebe.  A special thank you to Holly and Eric for their many years of dedicated service.


As you read this Journal, your division officers are planning for the 61st Mid-Year Technical Conference.  It will be held in San Diego, California January 13-17, 2007.  If you have not already done so, respond to the Call for Papers that appears elsewhere in this Journal.


I have enjoyed being the Engineering Design Graphics Division Chair this past year.  I look forward to seeing you at the Mid-Year Conference in San Diego.


Ronald C. Paré, 2005-2006 Engineering Design Graphics Division Chair.




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