Message from the Editor


  • Susan G. Miller Purdue University


Dear Members:


This issue not only contains a variety of very interesting papers but also a look at the upcoming officer candidates for the Division.  As members you will be given the opportunity to vote on these officer positions in the Spring ballot.  The following members that have accepted nominations for the open position within the Division for the coming year are Holly Ault and Jerry Vinson for Vice Chair, Tim Sexton and Doug Baxter for Secretary-Treasurer, and Kathryn Holliday-Darr and Eric Wiebe for Director of Publications.  In addition, the proposed changes to the EDGD Bylaws are also printed in this issue so everyone will have the opportunity to review the changes before voting on them in the Spring.


This past summer at the Annual Meeting the Executive Committee voted to reinstate page charges for papers published in the Journal for EDGD members along with increasing the page charge for non-EDGD members.  This charge is necessitated solely to help offset the increasing costs of the Journal.  The rates will be $40 per page for EDGD members and $80 per page for non-EDGD members.  The rate will be determined by the status of the first author listed on the paper at the time the paper is received by the Editor.  Page charges are due upon notification by the Editor and are payable to the Engineering Design Graphics Division.


As we begin a new year please support Sheryl Sorby as Chair and the other officers with the planning of events for 2003.  Many times it is too easy to forget how much time goes into the success of these activities.




Editorials & News