Message from the Chair


  • Ron Paré University of Houston


The very best thing about the Engineering Design Graphics Division is the renewing livelong friendships twice a year.  The Division has a illustrious history.  Become a part of its future.


As I begin my short 12 month stint as Chair of the Engineering Design Graphics Division I want to thank the Division membership for your confidence in me.


Before starting to write this column I decided to look at a few back issues of the Journal and the EDG Web Site.  What a treasure.  This trip down memory lane reminded me why this Division is so great.  It’s the people.  I have had too many EDGD mentors to thank them all, but special recognition needs to go to Ron Barr and Paul DeJong.  Without their encouragement over the past few years, I am sure I would not be your chair today.


It’s the people.  On behalf of the EDGD membership I want to thank and recognize last year’s leaders who have passed their legacy on to younger members.   Holly Ault, thank you for leading the Division this past year and I look forward to your guidance and suggestions.   Judy Birchman, Past Chair, leaves the Board but will continue to serve on the Nominations and Distinguished Service Award Committees.  Theodore J. Branoff, has served ably as your Professional and Technical Director and Associate Editor of your Journal.  Your confidence in Ted was demonstrated when you selected him to be your next Chair.  Alice Scales has improved EDGD communications during her terms as Director of Zone Activities. Alice continues to work on your Journal and I am confident we will see her name on the EDGD Ballot again.  Thank you all.


It’s the people.  Many volunteers who were not elected contributed to an outstanding year for our Division.   The Division had four technical sessions at the ASEE summer Conference in Portland, Oregon.  Thank you Program Chair Judy Birchman and Session Moderators Jon Duff, Kathern Holliday-Darr, Nancy Study and Wayne White.  EDG is the only ASEE Division that conducts a technical conference on its own.   Last years wonderful 59th Mid-Year in historic in Williamsburg, VA was planned and led by Pat Devens, John Chin, Barry Crittenden.   EDGD is one of only a few ASEE Divisions that publish a refereed Journal.  Years 68 and 69 have been published by the outstanding Editorial team of Eric Wiebe, Editor; Ted Branoff, Associate Editor; Alice Scales, Associate Editor; Aaron Clark, Advertising Manager and Katherine Holliday-Darr, Circulation Manager.  Thank you all.


It’s the people.  Clyde Kearns served the Division as our Journal Circulation Manager for 20 years.  He also managed the Journal Accounts during this period for seven Editors.  I am confident no other ASEE members have had this length of service.  Thank you Clyde.


It’s the people.  The EDGD recognizes its best with awards.  This years Distinguished Serviced Award recognized the long and outstanding service to the Division of Mary Sadowski.  Elsewhere in this Journal you can read Jon Duff's outstanding introduction and Mary’s acceptance remarks.  The Oppenheimer Award winner for the best presentation at the Williamsburg conference was Dennis Liu and the Editors Award winner for the best Journal article last year was Shana Smith of Iowa State University.  Her article, “Integrating Computer-Generated Stereoscopic Models Into An Introductory Design Course” was published in the Autumn 2004 Journal.  Congratulations to both of you for enhancing the scholarship of the Division.  Each year Stephen Schroff supports the Division by awarding travel grants to assist young/new member’s attendance at our Mid Winter Technical Conference.  This year’s awardees attending the Williamsburg meeting were Tarek Abdel-Salam and Micheal Hicks of East Carolina University and Danny Wittenborn of Purdue University.   Thank you Steve and congratulations to the Grant recipients.


It’s the people.  Your Division leadership has many veterans and a few new board members. Continuing are Past Chair Holly Ault, Secretary/Treasurer Tim Sexton, Director – Liasion Doug Baxter, Director – Membership Jon Duff, Director – Programs Frank Croft, Director –Publications Eric Wiebe and switching positions is Chair Elect Ted Branoff.  Newly elected board members are Director – Technical Professional Nate Hartman, Director – Zones Pat Connolly.  Thank you all.


It’s the people.   It takes more than just an Elected Board to carry out all the activities of the Division.  Planning the 60th Mid-Year Technical Conference in Fort Lauderdale are yours truly, Mike Stewart, Katherine Holliday-Darr and Jon Duff.  Coordinating the 2005-2006 Freshman Design Contest is Doug Baxter.  Your committee chairs for this year are Policy/Resolutions - Frank Croft, Award Committees: Distinguished Service Award - Sheryl Solby, Elections and Schroff Travel Grants - Ted Branoff,  Oppenheimer Award – Mike Stewart, Chairs Award – Ronald Paré, Editoral Award – Eric Wiebe, Rodger Paine Memorial Award – Judy Birchman,  Liaison Committees: ASEE Relations – Doug Baxter,Venders and Publishers – Tom Krueger, Industry and Manufacturing – Jennifer Bahnsen, Technical Societies – Aaron Clark,  Technical and Professional Committees: National Design Contest – Doug Baxter, Standards – Ed Evans.  Thank you all.


It’s the people.   The problem with making lists is you always omit someone.  Thank you to all the Moderators and Presenters at the Williamsburg Conference and to the Presenters at the National Conference.  Thank you to the Faculty Advisors of the Design Contest Entries.  Thank you to the Vendor-Sponsors of the Mid-Year Conference.


It’s the people.   Are you named above?  If not you are missing out on the wonderful prospect of serving while making friendships and comradeship that will last forever.  The very best thing about the Engineering Design Graphics Division is the renewing livelong friendships twice a year.  The Division has a illustrious history.  Become a part of its future.




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