Message from the Editor


  • Eric N. Wiebe North Carolina State University


Dear Members:


First, I?d like to say what a pleasure it is to be serving at the new Editor of the Engineering Design Graphics Journal. It was the first professional journal that I subscribed to when I came to North Carolina State University in 1989 and it remains one of my most referenced. This journal represents the primary knowledge base of our Division. I recognize the importance of preserving and nurturing this reference.


My goal as Editor is to continue the excellent work of the previous editors in having the Journal reflect all of the varied and exciting work being done in engineering and technical graphics education. My primary role will be to work with the Associate Editors to recruit the best review board and highest quality scholarship to the Journal. It will also be my responsibility to maintain the financial stability of the Journal.


With assuming the role of Editor and moving the Journal operations to NC State, there has been a change in the team putting together the Journal. Ted Branoff, as Associate Editor, will be in charge of the peer review process for our articles. Alice Scales, will be the Associate Editor in charge of producing the Journal issues. Aaron Clark will be third Associate Editor in charge of advertising and helping to recruit authors. Kathy Holliday-Darr at Penn State-Erie is beginning the process of assuming the role of Circulation Manager. To this team will be a number of other staff and students at NC State contributing to the many chores required to get the Journal out. There is no question that it is a team effort to publish the Journal!


Finally, I would like to recognize the superb job the previous editorial team at Purdue has done. Judy Birchman, Sue Miller, and Mary Sadowski have all been very generous with their time and talent as I?ve gotten up to speed here at NC State.




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