Message from the Editor


  • Eric N. Wiebe North Carolina State University


Dear Members:


The three articles in this issue reflect themes common to the Engineering Design Graphics Journal: a selection of graphics technology, techniques for the use of this technology, and issues with the integration of technology into the classroom. While graphics technology has been part and parcel of this Division since its inception, the challenges of effective use and integration have not abated.


The first article by Smith takes a look at the last theme: the integration of technology into the classroom. While stereoscopic viewing technology has been with us since the Victorian era, evolving technology has allowed instructors to set up low cost, full-color, dynamic viewing systems in their classrooms. As is often the case, the march of technology has preceded the research on its effectiveness in the classroom. Smith looks at a number of important pedagogical and integration issues, including psychophysical issues of discomfort from using the viewing apparatus.


The second article by Birchman and Flaherty provide an excellent example of how research and practice can come together. The article discusses the ways animation tools such as Flash can be used to support instruction. In addition to providing examples of practice, they also provide a research basis for their instructional effectiveness.


Finally, Okudan picks up on a well-established line of research looking at how to select a solid modeling software package. The article uses both past and current research to help refine a set of protocols that can be used by members of this Division in their quest to acquire the best possible instructional tools for their classrooms.


Please review the candidate slate printed in this Journal issue and vote when you receive your ballot in the mail. Strong participation in election process of the Division is an important hallmark of the EDGD. Take a look at the pictures from the mid-year meeting in Williamsburg, VA and see how much fun folks are having. Join us and become part of the fun in Orlando!




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