Message from the Chair


  • Holly K. Ault Worchester Polytechnic Institute


As I sit down to write this message, the spring sunshine is pouring through my window after a long, cold winter. Each year we have this wonderful time of new beginnings. By the time you read this message, the Engineering Design Graphics Division will have installed its new slate of officers, and they will begin their work to carry out the mission of the division. I will hand over the gavel of leadership to Ron Paré, assisted as vice chair by Ted Branoff. Our new director of Technical and Professional, Nate Hartman, and Director of Zones, Pat Connolly, bring their enthusiasm to those committees. I hope that you will all give them your utmost support along with the other officers of the division as we work together to strengthen our membership and strive towards educating our students in Engineering Graphics.


Springtime is also a time of endings in our academic year, as we wrap up our courses and say goodbye to our graduating seniors, so too, I say goodbye to you as your division chair. I would like to thank all of the officers who have worked so hard to keep the division going. There are many active members in addition to the elected officers, and so I will not mention them all individually, but I want you all to know that I deeply appreciate your commitment to the division. I look forward to seeing you all at the annual meeting in Portland, and the midyear meeting in Fort Lauderdale.


I say goodbye to you as your division chair. I would like to thank all of the officers who have worked so hard to keep the division going.




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