Use of Virtual Reality head-mounted displays for Engineering Technology Students and Implications on Spatial Visualization ability as measured through rotational view drawings.


  • Petros Katsioloudis Old Dominion University
  • Mildred Jones Old Dominion Univwersity
  • Vukica Jovanovic Old Dominion University


Virtual reality (VR) dates back to the 1960’s and can be defined as the “computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015). Since the 1960’s VR has evolved in business and industry as well as in the classroom. One of the first authors relating to issues in the teaching of virtual reality, Burdea, 2004, expressed concern for the lack of faculty experts, textbooks, dedicated laboratories and curriculum content in (VR). Brudea, 2008 found through an informal survey that only 3% (148) of universities offered VR, however, by 2008 this number increased to 273 universities.A quasi-experimental study was selected as a means to perform the comparative analysis of spatial visualization ability during the Spring of 2015. The study was conducted in an engineering graphics course, MET 120 (Computer Aided Drafting), offered as part of the Engineering Technology program. Using a convenience sample, there was a near equal distribution of the participants between the three groups. The engineering graphics course emphasized hands on practice using 3D AutoCAD software in the computer lab, along with the various methods of editing, manipulation, visualization, and presentation of technical drawings. In addition, the course included the basic principles of engineering drawing/hand sketching, dimensions. and tolerance principles.To enhance the body of knowledge the following study was conducted:

The following was the primary research question:


Is there a difference in spatial visualization ability, as measured through rotational view drawings, among the impacts of head-mounted displays on dynamic visualizations for engineering technology students 

Author Biographies

Petros Katsioloudis, Old Dominion University

Dr. Katsioloudis is an Associate Professor and Co-Chair of the Department of STEM Education and Professional Studies at Old Dominion University.

Mildred Jones, Old Dominion Univwersity

Ms. Jones is a graduate student in the Department of STEM Education and Professional Studies at Old Dominion University.

Vukica Jovanovic, Old Dominion University

Dr. Jovanovic is an Assitant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology at Old Dominion University.






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