Message from the Editor - Change


  • Robert A. Chin East Carolina University


The next issue of the EDGJ—volume 74, number 3 (Autumn)—is scheduled to be published in Nov. To ensure that your manuscript can negotiate the review and revision process by the publication date, authors should upload their manuscripts at by Aug 15.


Change one: now that the reviewers have been trained, we’re asking authors to upload their manuscripts, which is a change to how manuscripts had been submitted. Previously, authors submitted their manuscripts for consideration as an attachment to an email message sent to the associate editor.


If you have not previously submitted a manuscript, click on the following link to register: Once registered, login and click on Author at the User Home page to upload your manuscript.


For additional information on how new authors negotiate our online publishing process, go to Chapter 5 of Open Journal Systems: A Complete Guide to Online Publishing, which can be downloaded from This publication also provides an insight on the mechanics of Open Journal System, our journal management and publishing system.


If you have questions regarding the review process, feel free to contact the journal’s associate editor, Dr Nancy Study at


The journal’s staff anticipates providing author training at the 65th Mid-Year Conference in Oct. For additional information on the conference, go to


Change two: in an attempt to streamline the publication process, the EDGD Executive Committee, at the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference in Louisville, supported a suggestion that we develop and adopt a common template for the publication of EDGJ and Mid-Year Conference manuscripts.


Change three: for our online readers’ convenience, we’re going to be switching to a single column format. This change in format, and appearance, should take effect upon publication of the first issue, volume 75. We anticipate piloting the new format with the publication of the proceedings for the 65th Mid-Year Conference. This format should alleviate the need to scroll up and down while reading our journal articles.


The single column format however places a greater demand on the reader. It increases eye strain and makes it difficult to read over longer periods of time. A solution is to make articles available in HTML as well, or in lieu of PDF. This fourth change is off on the horizon and has not been presented for consideration.


The new, single column format is based on the new template issued by ASEE to authors publishing manuscript in the proceedings for the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference. For now, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (also see will continue to provide specific guidance on matters such as the evaluation of content; research design and reporting; authorship; types of manuscripts; length, headings, and tone; parts of a manuscript; editorial style; manuscript preparation; author responsibilities; online submission; manuscript acceptance and production;  post publication considerations and the like.


Kathryn Holliday-Darr continues to serve as our circulation manager. It appears that those who are entitled to access to issues of the journal have access. If you encounter difficulties, feel free to contact her at

Author Biography

Robert A. Chin, East Carolina University




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