Message from the Editor
Dear Members:
I'll breathe a big sigh of relief after turning over this last issue of the Journal to the printer. My three-year term as editor has come to an end. It was a lot of work but I always felt I had the support of the membership.
I want to thank all the division members who have contributed to the Journal's success.
Members of the publication committee—Sue Miller my Technical Editor, who did a great job supervising the review process—Clyde Kearns, Circulation Manager who has served the Journal diligently for many years—and Mark Bannatyne, Advertising Manager, who has spent many hours on the phone on behalf of the Journal.
I also want to thank all the members of the review board who served during my term. Through your efforts, the Journal remains a quality publication.
Finally, thanks to all the contributing authors, for without you there would be no Journal. I'm glad to report that recently, the number of papers being submitted for publication has increased. We all need to keep publishing to keep the Journal strong.
Congratulations and good luck to the new publication team. Sue Miller will assume the duties of Journal Editor. I've agreed to stay on as Sue's Technical Editor. David Kelley, who will join us at Purdue this Fall, will be the new Advertising Manager. Clyde will stay on as Circulation Manager but hopes to start training someone new for the job soon!
See you at the Mid-year in San Antonio!