Message from the Editor


  • Judy Birchman Purdue University


Dear Members:


It's hard to imagine how education will be affected by the increased use of the internet.  As it gets easier and more cost effective to put information online, the growth rate continues to escalate.  A recent report states that in one year the schools offering "degrees via computer" jumped from 15% to 34%.  Things are moving very fast!


The potential is great.  The potential for reaching out to students located anywhere provides an opportunity for non-traditional students.  The potential for modifying teaching techniques and developing new techniques provides an opportunity for educators.  The potential for collaboration provides an opportunity to share resources and expertise with industry.  The potential is great.


The devices for incorporating sound, video and live-action or all available and ready for us to use.  Just as we experienced the transition from manual drafting to CAD we are now exploring new territory.  Soon, we will see more presentations and papers dealing with theses issues at our yearly meetings.  Once again, we can learn from each others successes and failures, get tips on how to get started and be pointed toward resources by those who have been there ahead of us.  This is a promise opportunity to put forth a team effort.  Colleagues across the country can share information, resources and expertise to develop courses beyond the limitations of their campus.  It should be exciting!


Special thanks to Clyde Kearns for preparing the new membership directory and to Sue Miller for designing the cover and getting it printed.  If your information is incorrect be sure you update it with ASSE.




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