Preparing Images for Distribution


  • Judith A. Birchman Purdue University
  • Susan G. Miller Purdue University


In today's publishing environment where online and CD-ROM based materials are as commonplace as printed materials, authors are faced with more options for presenting materials.  Educators need to be aware of the demands of creating documents for their classes, publications and presentations.  Today, materials are presented in a variety of ways and must be prepared accordingly.


Images such as illustrations, photos and charts are an integral part of most technical papers.  For the person compiling the document for print or online venues, images present unique problems.  Unlike text documents, which are readily transferable between applications and platforms, images need special attention.  in order to create images which are an appropriate quality for distribution, the author must always be mindful of the format of the final output.  The final format will affect how the images are created, scanned and submitted.


Familiarity with graphic file types, scanning resolution and color bit-depth is a must for today's authors.  This paper will focus on a comparison of the issues involved with preparing and submitting images for print and on-screen venues.




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