Planning the EDG Curriculum for the 21st Century: A Proposed Team Effort


  • Ronald E. Barr The University of Texas at Austin


A group project, titled "Planning the Engineering Design Graphics Curriculum for the 21st Century," has been proposed for the field of Engineering Design Graphics (EDG).  The project proposes to establish a team of highly motivated Engineering Design Graphics faculty who will work together and devise a plan that will serve as a modern curriculum guide for Engineering Design GRaphics.  The project would be inaugurated by a Summer School.  At the Summer School, participating faculty will convene to discuss major issues, from sub-committee teams with specific assignments, and return to their home institutions to work on their specific parts of the curriculum plan.  Interaction amongst the committees will be conducted through email and internet, and ideas will be discussed and tested in the classroom setting.  The group will then reconvene for short 2-day meetings in the following two years to finalize the curriculum plan.  The results will then be published in a Monograph in time for the dawning of 21st century.  The Monograph will serve as a comprehensive EDG curriculum guide, and will be distributed to all college faculty who are identified as teaching Engineering Design Graphics.  This paper serves as an introduction to the project, and is followed by five position papers on significant subtopics related to the overall project.




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