The Need(?) for Descriptive Geometry in a World of 3D Modeling


  • Frank M Croft, Jr. The Ohio State University


Traditionally, descriptive geometry has consisted of the projection of three-dimensional figures on a two-dimensional plane of paper using successive auxiliary views.  Through this method quantitative measures of length, angles, shapes and other geometric information were obtained.  The technology required a systematic approach to problem solving with accuracy in projections an transfer of distances from previous views.  The layout and position of the successive auxiliary views were essential in the solution of the problem.


Modern CAD methods that may be used to solve descriptive geometry problems no longer require that the auxiliary views be positioned in the standard layout of auxiliary views.  Often the CAD system will allow for a direct solution  of the problem without an intermediate auxiliary view as would be required by the traditional two-dimensional successive auxiliary view approach.  Using traditional two-dimensional successive auxiliary views with CAD is cumbersome and antiquated.  With the advent of CAD, the concepts of descriptive geometry have not changed; however, the process through which we obtain the results has changed.




Engineering Design Graphics Journal (archives)