Message from the Editor


  • Judy Birchman Purdue University


Dear Members:


At the end of last semester, a staff member asked me how things were going and a I replied that I just had a few more projects to grade before I wrapped up the semester.  Her reply got me thinking.  She said that she would like to see "closure" like that with her job.


As I though about it, I realized that over the years this aspect of my job has saved my sanity many times.  The "fresh start" aspect of teaching gives us time to reorganize, fix problems and just get energized.  After all, we can all withstand a bad schedule, a few unmotivated students or teaching a class that is not our favorite for one semester.  We know that at the end of that time period we have a chance at something better.


We have the advantage of just having to hold on for a few more weeks if classroom strategies are failing or enjoy the success when things are going well—without having to maintain it forever.


I know that many times, I have thought to myself - "if I can just make it to the end of the semester I can get caught up, I can revise my course materials, I won't have to deal with that student..." Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, but I at least appreciate the chance to try and the hope that one day I will be caught up!


Please note a few things in this issue.  First, some of you may have noticed that the issue and volume number are the same as the last issue.  That last issue should have been - Volume 61, Number 3.  New editor - oops!  Second, Jon Duff, Division Chair, outlines the current division awards as well as three new Division awards.  So if you ever wondered how to qualify for some of the past Division awards or are hoping to attain one of the new ones, you will have all the information you need.  THird, Gary Bertoline, Past Chair, tries to express what many of us felt about Rodger Payne in a tribute to his memory.  Last, the Executive Board voted to drop page charges for EDGD members at their last meeting!


Enjoy the rest of your semester!




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